About Sand Hollow Aviation Association
To promote safety and help educate pilots in the Southern Utah region in all aspect of flying. Develop an inclusive environment where like minded people can share the knowledge they have with other pilots. To mentor the next generation of pilots whether they intend to make aviation a career or just entering aviation for recreation.
Membership will be open to all accepted candidates regardless of their race, religion, social economic status, gender, or political views. These topics of conversation in a negative or argumentative manner have no place in meetings or events sponsored by SHAA.
Political Action
SHAA will serve as a political action organization to promote flying and protect the rights of the pilots who are members.
Community Relations
SHAA will work to promote good relationships between pilots, airports, government agencies, and the local communities they are a part of.
SHAA will look for opportunities to provide service to the community, airport, and facilities they are using.
A schedule of meetings and event opportunities will be discussed and published. Members will strive to be active in the organization by sharing your wisdom, knowledge, mentoring of new pilots, and attendance when possible.
Identification of possible activities will be made by the suggestion of the members at the regularly held meeting. Examples of activities could be but limited to education session, safety briefing, airport procedures, support of STEM education modules in aviation, guest speakers, airport cleanup morning, Social, youth experiences.